About me

Hello! I’m Daniel, me and my family lives in Cracow for generations. I’m passionate kitesurfer, diver and snowbarder.

Traveling gives me ideas how to make my offer better, so even simple room renting can be nice adventure.

I love when people appreciate quality that we provide (even with very reasonable prices) or when people notice even very small things that we cared about for them.

I also like to get some new ideas that can help me make my offer better 🙂 Thank you guys, you’re giving me wings 🙂

My rooms


Amazing location in city centre and close to Kazimierz district


Host rating: ~4.95 /5.0


I'am Airbnb Superhost, so I'am considered as experienced and esteemed host.


Our guests found the place sparkling clean!

Visit my airbnb profile

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